Eko Song 21 - September 2013
We love our Eko Songs. It is astounding to see who Eko was even just six months ago, to watch the minutely rapid transformation from tiny squishy singing baby to tall, talkative, leaping boy (who is singing still, only now with words!). Eko has especially enjoyed watching his own videos again and again, and we wonder if they've helped reinforce his early memories - they are video time capsules.
This will be the last of our monthly compilations. We hope you've enjoyed them, whether once in a while or month to month. But don't worry, you'll still get glimpses of Eko from time to time. Stay tuned for a super fun 2-year compilation that will make you want to dance like a happy crazy toddler!
Eko Song 20 - August 2013
A farewell Eko Song to Sasha, the best feline companion we could hope for.
Eko Song 18 - June 2013
An Eko Song for June with a butterfly, a frog, and a firetruck!!!
Oh yes, a firetruck!!
Oh yes, a firetruck!!
Eko at 21 Months

Eko entered winter still a baby; he had just begun to walk around Halloween and was up to 12 teeth. His vocabulary, both verbal and baby sign,

He was around 18 months old when Jade noticed that the boy who would RUN up until the last second of bedtime began to practice relaxing. Previously, he would only relax in his carrier, like a light switch being turned off. Suddenly he began to lay down on pillows and soft blankets for a few moments, than a few minutes. Jade pulled our wool mattresses into his room and gradually Eko began to enjoy having some control over his relaxation, choosing to lie down and snuggle to sleep. It was a major breakthrough that has saved our backs!

Keeping Eko active and entertained as he enters boydom is a lot of fun. While indoors, we enjoy watching some 'tv' together: Reading Rainbow, his Eko Song videos, My Neighbor Totoro, and now music videos on YouTube (he loves Trio's Da da da!). He also makes great use of his toddler tower, originally using it to play in the sink and now with home-made playdough, often eating meals there rather than fighting the confinement of his booster seat. When there was snow, Eko was fascinated by the snowblower "bobo," had a blast sledding, and helped us build igloos. Now that it's warm, he's doubly fascinated by the riding mower "lomo,"

A lot will change as he reaches his second birthday, but two developments are already in the works. First, he appears to be teething on his two-year molars, but so far nothing has broken through. He'll gnaw on his fingers or grind his teeth disturbingly, and his nose once again has a constant drip. But none of this seems to disrupt his sleep so we'll just let it run its course.

Thank you (or as Eko would say, "tay-toh") for keeping up with Eko as he continually changes ~ It's so much fun to share these updates with our loved ones.
Eko Song 17 - May 2013
Tools and trucks, singing and dancing, stones and salamanders. Eko Song 17 has it all and is brought to you by the letter "B".
Eko Song 14 - February 2013
So Now Listen Everyone
To This Little Song I SingIt's The Eko Of Our Love
And A Song To Change The World
~ Little Love Song by Andrew W. K.
Eko Song 13 - January 2013
Eko's vocabulary has really expanded over the past month. Listen to him say, moon, butter, rainbow, I love you, and mimic a variety of animals in
Eko Song 13
Belly Song
Two years ago today we announced to Jade's parents that we were pregnant. Although we had already known for two weeks, we made the decision to tell our closest friends and family in person using a tri-fold announcement Jade designed. As part of our major public announcement, we began the Belly Blog, which is now called Eko Blog.
The journey to Eko's birth was so wonderful I decided to compile some video and pictures into Belly Song, a precursor to Eko Song.
Relive the experience with us.
The journey to Eko's birth was so wonderful I decided to compile some video and pictures into Belly Song, a precursor to Eko Song.
Relive the experience with us.
Born to Sled

On December 27th we were hit with our first sledable snowstorm. Eko liked eating the snow and crunching on icicles, but the deep snow and bulky gear made it frustratingly hard for him to move. Out came the sled! Eko watched the world glide by as Mama pulled him around the yard, but he seemed a little bored. Was he ready for the hill? Not wanting to overwhelm him, Jade took Eko down the short,

The ease with which he took too sledding really speaks for the kind of character Eko is. At 16 months, he's fearless, willing to try anything. He loves being dunked underwater and jumping into the pool, tumbles on the furniture, and climbs the cat's tower. By now he seems to trust that we want to introduce him to fun things. He jumps head first into new situations, sometimes literally, and acclimates to change more easily than we ever expected a toddler would. It's so much fun glimpsing the boy, and later man, he is becoming.
As a treat for Eko, the three of us ended 2012 with a horse-drawn sleighride at Fairwinds Farm in Brattleboro. Bundled up so tight he could hardly move,
Happy New Year and happy sledding to all. Enjoy the sledding compilation we put together—it will make you wan to run outside and go for a slide yourself.
Eko Song 12 - December 2012
We discovered we were pregnant two years ago today - celebrate with us by watching Eko Song 12, full of dancing, sledding, and lots of kisses : )
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