Born to Sled

If there's snow on the ground, we're out sledding. Years before we became parents, we'd been known to host sledding parties and videotape our descent down snowy (or icy) hills. Not many winters have passed without us popping an inflatable sled or groaning from post-sledding back aches. So it was to our delight that Eko revealed himself to be a natural sledder.

On December 27th we were hit with our first sledable snowstorm. Eko liked eating the snow and crunching on icicles, but the deep snow and bulky gear made it frustratingly hard for him to move. Out came the sled! Eko watched the world glide by as Mama pulled him around the yard, but he seemed a little bored. Was he ready for the hill? Not wanting to overwhelm him, Jade took Eko down the short, gently sloping hill behind our house. She was prepared for a meltdown, but there was no fuss, no tears, and no fear; instead he clapped his fists together at the bottom to tell mama he wanted 'more, more!' In the photo of Jay and Eko, you can see his giddy little smile peeking through his balaclava. After a few runs there, we tried a steeper, faster ride down the hill next to our driveway. He wanted 'more, more' of that one as well. Finally we slid down the steepest, but shortest hill at the base of our driveway. We even let him sled down the hill by himself on his belly. He loved it all.

Eko had so much fun he didn't even need a sled beneath him—at one point, when we weren't ready, he just went down on his bottom, skooching himself along the packed down path, laughing and proud with himself the whole way down.

The ease with which he took too sledding really speaks for the kind of character Eko is. At 16 months, he's fearless, willing to try anything. He loves being dunked underwater and jumping into the pool, tumbles on the furniture, and climbs the cat's tower. By now he seems to trust that we want to introduce him to fun things. He jumps head first into new situations, sometimes literally, and acclimates to change more easily than we ever expected a toddler would. It's so much fun glimpsing the boy, and later man, he is becoming.

As a treat for Eko, the three of us ended 2012 with a horse-drawn sleighride at Fairwinds Farm in Brattleboro. Bundled up so tight he could hardly move, Eko stared silently at the horses as they pulled our sleigh through the farm's snowy fields and woods. He enjoyed how their bells jingled each time the horses went into a gallop. The following day, we even discovered our group's picture on the cover of both the Brattleboro Reformer and Commons newspapers.

Happy New Year and happy sledding to all. Enjoy the sledding compilation we put together—it will make you wan to run outside and go for a slide yourself.

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