Going Down to Cowtown - Strolling of the Heiffers

Graduate school, among other things, including Eko's resistance to be filmed or photographed, prevents me from spending time updating this blog, but it's been over a year so I figure the Strolling of the Heiffers parade is the perfect reason to post an entry. This was the 15th annual celebration of the parade and Eko is now at a great age to enjoy the floats and activities, and somewhat better at standing the heat. Age 4 is perfect for socializing and being silly with all his Hilltop Montessori friends. So, without further ado, enjoy this photo entry of our Cowtown experience.

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The parade starts with a reading of Ferdinand
Eko watches with Max and Sam
Cow balloons everywhere

Cynthis Parker-Houghton's amazing catfish
Hilltop Montessori marches... on bikes...

Taking a brake with the Shines