Guess What...


  1. I love this! You guys never cease to amaze me. we are looking forward to being filled in as our little bun fully bakes. We can't wait to drizzle him (her)with honey and eat that little baby up!

  2. I'm so excited for you and Jay! Congrats.

  3. Love this...I love to be able to keep up to date on my new neice or nephew :D Love you guys!

  4. Trese Jenkins
    I am so happy for all three of you!!! Congratulations! You are going to be amazing parents! Much love,
    April 18 at 12:07pm

    Martín Blousson
    You two are amazing.
    You three will be even most amazing. I'm so happy for your, for the world, even for me. It's great news in so many many ways.
    A big hug!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    April 14

    Manda Ferguson
    So happy for you both! A most beautiful event for two very beautiful people! =)
    April 12 at 7:06pm

    Natalie Baker Merrill
    Yea - congratulations Jade! That's wonderful news!! Let me know if I can be helpful with any resources or suggestions of any kind. I am thinking about maybe teaching childbirth education again this summer, but I'm not sure yet. Either way, I'm here if you need me! Also, I thought you might be interested in this workshop: The Most Peaceful Mom in Town - Valley Ayurveda
    April 11 at 9:02pm

    Arousiak Turabian
    Oh my goo-ness!! Many many congrats! We just got the super adorable announcement forwarded to us in the mail. September babies are the bestest. :) You guys are way too cute, way too cute...XOXOXOXOXOXOXO Besitos to the Belly~ xxx A+G
    April 11 at 1:29pm

  5. Johan Kjellén
    You're having a baby! I'm so happy for you! Exciting!
    April 9 at 2:03am

    Cynthia Parker-Houghton
    That's so great.
    April 7 at 8:09pm

    Jeannine DeWald
    Aww, you guys! This is amazing news! Harley and i will have to take a drive down in the fall and meet the little booger! Love you!!!!
    April 5 at 10:21pm

    Jodie Murray
    Yay! Your baby is lucky to have you two as parents. I just went through it myself, so if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask (while the experience is still fresh in my mind). So happy for you two.
    April 5 at 7:58pm

    Turner Gutmann
    Congrats Jade. Cool announcement idea btw. :-)
    April 5 at 4:35pm

    Che Graham
    A baby!!! CONGRATS! That is so awesome!! They bring so much joy, so I'm sure you both are excited
    April 4

    Mari Talpila Wennström
    Wow! Congrats!!!
    April 4 at 3:16pm

    Susannah Werley
    Oh, Jade! I'm soooo very excited and happy for you! :) Congrats!
    April 3 at 6:45am

    Rosemary Poirier
    Congratulations! Cutest announcement ever. I LOVE the cartoon heart--baby. :-D
    April 3 at 1:26am

    Gillian Ferguson
    I'm a little ignorant to how this whole thing works. I will be following your blog. Trying to upped my response now.
    April 2 at 1:34pm

    Gillian Ferguson
    Yay! That's great news. I'm so happy for you both.
    April 2 at 1:32pm

  6. Monica Perry
    congratulations you guys, that is wonderful!
    April 2 at 10:32am

    Elizabeth Koehler Benware
    So very happy for you. I love your style, blog, photos and illustrations. All very entertaining, and just so very you :)
    April 2 at 9:56am

    Carrie Visceglie
    I'm soooo excited for you! I think you'll make great parents!
    April 2 at 9:27am

    Kristi DiStefano Ceccarossi
    Congrats to you both! So exciting!
    April 2 at 9:07am

    Sarah R Lavigne
    yippieeee !
    April 2 at 8:23am

    Christina Doe Bagley
    Yay! Congratulations! What a wonderful way to share. I am very excited for both of you.
    April 2 at 7:25am

    David Twiddy
    Congratulations! I hope everything goes smoothly and may your home be filled with joy.
    We've had three births with midwives and in each case they were a great comfort. Our midwife going-the-extra-mile story: when Bec was in labor with JJ, we had Liddy with us. My mom was supposed to meet us at the hospital and take her, but she wasn...'t going to be there for a while and the contractions were ramping up *fast*. Out of nowhere, the midwife who caught Liddy appeared. She wasn't there for a shift, but to do some paperwork, and she graciously agreed to watch Liddy while I went in with Bec. Midwives are great!See More
    April 2 at 7:18am

    Susan B Lyford
    I am SO SO excited for you!!!!!!!!!!
    April 2 at 6:59am

    Rolf Parker-Houghton
    Oh Womderful !
    April 2 at 4:24am

    Abby Banks
    this is great news- you two are going to be wonderful parents!
    April 2 at 2:31am

    Adam Girard
    April 1 at 11:51pm

    Jamie Blaise
    very happy for you two! woo hoo!
    April 1 at 11:41pm

    Shannon Herrick
    Yay, I LOVE this! I'll be looking forward to updates on the little belly bean. :)
    April 1 at 10:12pm

    Patrick McAndrew
    Sooo happy for you!!! And for the little being that will get to enjoy your company :-)
    April 1 at 10:09pm

    Kim Wojeck
    Sweet! Congratulations! Enjoy every minute. We cried all the way through, first heart beat, ultra sounds, when the swimming stage hit, when the little footprints danced across my belly. Can't wait to welcome the new one :)
    April 1 at 9:58pm

    Liz Unterman
    I am so happy for you two!!! Many congrats!!!
    April 1 at 9:50pm
