At six months old, Eko fills our overcast March days with sunshine. His smiles light up our faces and his giggles come from deep in his belly. His cheerful, curious personality shines out whether he’s cuddled in our arms, watching the world go by with awe from his carrier, or wiggling on the floor and exploring his toys. He amazes us every single day.
Month six began with the introduction of solid food. Eko had become fascinated every time we ate, munching his mouth when we chewed and reaching for our plates, so we assumed he must be ready. We cooked up a batch of super-soft basmati rice, strapped on the bib, got out the tiny spoons, and watched with hilarity as he buzzed his lips and spat the goop out. He might have swallowed some, but it was probably unintentional. So we’ve been waiting a few days between attempts. We’re not in a rush – he’ll let us know when he’s ready. Till then, he can just hang out with us at the dinner table in his own little chair and “eat” his toys.
Eko has gotten sooo strong! He's become a master roller - we can’t keep him on his back for long, whether he's on the floor, bed, changing table, or even in the bath. He's very proud of himself too; he loves the applause. He can also sit upright for many long minutes... that is, so long as he doesn't turn his head or arch backward. But most of all, Eko enjoys being on his feet, whether bouncing while teething in his exersaucer or swinging in his johnny-jump-up, where he’ll take a few fast bounces to rev up, tuck up his legs, and swing! It’s fun to cook dinner while he’s right there in the kitchen doorway cackling over his acrobatics.
His bottom two teeth are coming out more all the time, and while he’s constantly chewing on anything in sight, no new teeth have showed. Still, everything goes into the mouth now. We watch him lock onto something with his eyes, like the tag on a blanket, slowly maneuver his way to it on his belly, reach out a questing hand, and shoot it into his mouth as quick as a frog snatching a fly with its tongue!
It's also been a social month for Eko. We hosted a baby gathering with Kelli and Damian's son, Zane, and Bridget and Ben's daughter, Mirabelle. While Maureen and Cliff babysat Eko, we took the twins to see The Secret World of Arrietty. On route to visit Jade's parents, we stopped in northern VT to see our friend Emily and her daughter Avela, and had lunch with Haley and Marley the following week. Then, just a few days ago, Eko attended his first play group at Sophia's Hearth in Keene, NH - it was mind blowing to watch seven month olds crawling or toddling around while Eko laid on his stomach watching a pair of twins roll over to him. So far, he seems to be a very sociable baby and really enjoys meeting new people – especially kids!
With all this play, we’re happy that he’s finally getting enough sleep throughout the day. It took some work to get Eko to take long enough naps while Jade was at work, but he’s adapted well to his new nap routine. We put him in his quilted sleep sack and walk slowly up the stairs singing Jade’s childhood song, “The mommy and the baby elephant” (an Oma original!). The room is darkened, white noise is shushing, the co-sleeper has a fuzzy sheet that smells like mama, and a warm rice bag is snuggled into his side. Then he either nurses or bottle-feeds for a few minutes before falling asleep for at least 45 minutes, sometimes longer. He anticipates the routine and, once in the co-sleeper, even reaches out for Jade to start the nursing portion! We use a monitor now and can use this time to catch up on the housework, or, when Jade’s home in the afternoon, her New Chapter work. We’re happy that he’s able to fall asleep in a variety of places – the carrier, the carseat, or just our laps – and he transitions much more easily to the co-sleeper once he’s fallen asleep elsewhere.
Eko is also quite the water baby! Bath times are a total joy to him as he kick-kick-kicks the water into a froth, pausing to look up at us with glee. To celebrate his six-month anniversary of birth, we took him to our public pool, a salt-water-filtered one thankfully, to let him explore the water. He was a natural – kicking his legs like a little swimmer and staring with wide eyes as he played with Jade. He enjoyed it so much that we're enrolling him in an eight week baby swim class. We’re all very excited about it.
Eko is such a joy to share our lives with. His vocalizations continue to surprise us. One day he’ll do nothing but buzz his lips, and the next he’s on to “wawawawa.” He recently discovered his tongue and delights in wiggling it around. He's also a great dance partner. He and Jade often groove around the house to Harry Belafonte (Jump the Line seems to be his favorite). Finally, Eko loves to giggle. We can make him laugh with funny exaggerated expressions, strange sounds, kissing noises, or the always popular peek-a-boo. He's also incredibly ticklish and will look for you when you stop in anticipation of more – take a peek for yourselves.
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