What a difference a month makes! Every day Eko develops some new skill, encounters a new experience, and evolves more into the little boy he will become.
Earlier this month, we upgraded Eko from the sink bath to the bathtub. He loves to kick kick kick in the water! Eko has also been sneak-rolling—balancing high on his belly, then rolling over the moment we look away! He can grasp all of his toys and handle them carefully...before shoving them into his mouth.
Truly, the teething has begun. The big milestone for month 5 was the appearance of TWO teeth in Eko's lower gum. It was such a relief to finally understand why he was so fussy and having so much trouble napping. We hadn't expected teeth so soon! We've spent the month experimenting with different teethers, from frozen cloths and cold teething rings to a rubber gummy bear, but really, any object will do. He's bitten Jade a few times, but she's learned it only happens when he's 'hanging out' on the breast. When he's not eating, he is promptly disengaged! Eko really likes to stand, so we bought him a johnny-jump-up (doorway harness) and an excersaucer (activity center), each of which allows him to stand on his tippy-toes and turn around 360 degrees. He loves the independence, and we love being able to do things in the kitchen when one of us is on our own with him.
Eko loves playing peekaboo. Jay might jump out frog-style from around a corner, or simply glance at the ceiling before making eye contact and crying "Boo!" Jay can give Eko giggle-fits by hiding behind him and tickling up his legs to his belly. Eko looks back during pauses in anticipation of the next tickle round. He loves anticipating surprises and never fails to squeal with delight during a game of “I'm gonna getcha” or “erratic elevator.” He also seems to enjoy watching Simon's Cat on Youtube.
Eko is a social baby and loves when we go to parties or potlucks. He was the center of attention at a birth circle meeting (everyone but Jade was pregnant) and he has many fans when he visits Jade at work. He also attended a library staff meeting where he sat mostly quietly in the back with his daddy. At the end, when they asked if there were any questions, Eko answered, "oooo" and ended the meeting. Another big step taken this month was his first babysitting experiences. Jade's former manager, Graham, his wife, Lee, and their son, Gavin, spent about two hours with Eko while we had breakfast in Keene, NH. Eko fell asleep on Lee not long after we left, but was happy and awake when we returned. A week later, we treated ourselves to a hot tub and dinner while Eko hung out with our friends Seth and Julia. The three of them took a walk around West Hatfield, MA, and Eko fell asleep on Julia in his carrier. Later, he become fussy, fighting off another nap, but Seth began dancing, much to Eko's glee. He conked out after we came back and slept all the way home as well. We're so happy to know such kind and trustworthy people. It's hard being away from him, but good for all of us.
We're ending his 5th month by trying to get him acclimated to a napping schedule. Shortly after Jade returned to work, we discovered that Eko could nap for hours on Jade's lap, but resisted his daddy's many creative efforts to get him rested during the day. He's adapting to the new routine really well and constantly surprising us with what he's capable of. We fall more in love with him every day.
This month, Eko has become an intrepid explorer of the world around him. His hands can reach, grip, and pull unsuspecting objects into his mouth. (This makes us keep a closer eye on where Sasha dangles her tail.) He's fascinated with different textures and loves to scratch his fingers on the sofa, the table, our faces, the laptop. He's fascinated with crinkly things, like paper and crackly baby books, but he can only mash them for a few minutes before they 'blow a fuse' and make him cry!
He's developed the ability to anticipate events, such as an incoming tickle or his daddy coming back through the doorway he left through. Peekaboo has become his favorite game, and more than ever, he is fully aware of other people, staring at them and giggling at their attempts to make him laugh. His sunny personality really glows and he's such a delight to play with, sing to, and cuddle.
Our non-holiday week was splendid. With the world in-doors celebrating Christmas, we took a walk around the Chesterfield Gorge, ogling the gorgeous ice "sculptures" the little rushing river made as it cascaded through the cold air. Eko slept the entire time, snuggled against Jade in his Boba carrier. We took many walks with Eko that week, as the weather was often still above freezing and it was Jade's last week before returning to work.
Jade's been back at work for three weeks now and it's been bittersweet, but at least calm. Her coworkers have given her a gentle reentry and she's able to work from home part of almost every day. She enjoys the work, and even when it hurts to be away from Eko, she's comforted that he's with his adoring daddy. She came home on her first day to a sign made up of Eko's daily pictures. Jay works a few nights closing the library, so we both have solid blocks of one-on-one baby time.Eko still drinks breastmilk exclusively and we'll keep it up as long as we can. We've gotten into a pumping/bottle feeding routine that's very workable, and Jade and Eko are happy to nurse and cuddle as soon as she comes home. Jade gets really giddy on her way home and she never, ever stays late anymore!
Unfortunately, Eko has come down with his second cold, which has make the past few weeks uncomfortable for him. He wakes up stuffy and really protests when we try to help him out with his snot sucker tube that lets you hygienically use suction from your mouth. We can't wait for him to learn how to blow his own nose.
At his last checkup, Eko weighed in at 17 pounds and 27 inches long, a clear sign he's thriving! He's really strong and solid. Jade loves giving him airplane rides on her feet.
Eko's vocalization took a new leap when he discovered how to buzz with his lips. He would buzz and buzz, sometimes just buzzing for ages to the bedroom ceiling well after his bedtime. After mastering this new skill, the buzzes have become just one tool in his song box and come out only occasionally. His laughter, however, rolls from him so easily. We could try to describe how amazing and adorable it is, but we'll let Eko speak for himself: